Benevolent Fund
The East Tennessee REALTORS® Benevolent Fund is one of only a dozen of its kind at REALTOR® associations nationwide. This Benevolent Fund provides assistance to Association members and their families, who can demonstrate severe financial hardship due to prolonged illness, catastrophic event or accident, or similar occurrence beyond their control.
The East Tennessee REALTORS® Benevolent Fund relies solely on the donations from the community and is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, making all contributions tax deductible.
The Benevolent Fund’s Board of Directors is responsible for promoting its existence, coordinating special fundraising projects, and for the confidential approval and administration of any financial assistance. Initial Board of Directors members are Jim Oakley, Marianne Azambuja, Betsy Coleman, Mansour Hasan, Pat McGill, and Diana Traylor. East Tennessee Realtors CEO Lyle Irish serves as the Executive Director of the Fund.

If you would like to make a contribution, you can call the The East Tennessee REALTORS® office and pay with a credit card, or mail in a check (made out to East Tennessee Realtors Benevolent Fund) to 609 Weisgarber Rd. Knoxville, TN 37919.
A very special thanks to the East Tennessee Realtors affiliates for their fundraising efforts to help make sure the Fund starts off with money in its coffers.
For questions, send an email to
Gold Partners
Silver Partners

Elizabeth Wright, Realtor

Marian Epps, Realtor
Bronze Partners
Jim Oakley, Realtor
Elizabeth McDaniel, Realtor
Mansour Hasan, State Farm Insurance
Vicki Williams, Movement Mortgage
Diana Traylor, Realtor
Shannon Foster-Boline, Realtor
Justin Bailey, Realtor
Kim Isenberg, Realtor
Sally Sparks, Realtor
Betsy Coleman, Realtor
Angel Scott, Realtor